Setting Your Nexus 5 For The First Time on Android 5.0 Lollipop

By Costea Lestoc

If you just bought yourself a Nexus 5 for Christmas, then you’re in luck because we’re going to give you some tips on how to setup your new device. While Nexus 5 doesn’t come with Android 5.0 Lollipop out of the box, as soon as you open it, you will be asked to upgrade to the latest Android version which is the Android Lollipop.

Un-boxing your Nexus 5
Inserting the SIM card

Before you turn on your Nexus 5, insert the SIM card. On the right side, under the power button, you will notice a slot with pinhole next to it. To eject the tray and insert the SIM, you will have to use the SIM ejection tool or in case you’ve already lost it, you can use a paperclip. After that, pop it back and turn your Nexus 5 on.

Selecting language
Once the device turns on, you will be asked to select your default language. While you can change this later from the Settings menu, we suggest you to select a language that you can understand or else you will be lost in your smartphone’s menu.

Note: In case you didn’t insert your SIM card correctly, the device will ask you to insert it.

Setting up Wi-Fi
Select the Wi-Fi connection and, after that, enter the password. While this is not a step that you really need to take during the setup of the device, we suggest you to take action, because this way, your device will be able to look for updates and you will get the Android Lollipop update on it also.

Tap & Go
If your older phone has Bluetooth or NFC, you can use the Tap & Go in order to transfer all your settings and data from a device to another. This is a great feature that makes things easier to transfer from your old phone to your new one.

Nexus 5 Lolipop

Adding accounts
In case you don’t use Tap & Go, your next step will be to add your Google Account and payment information. You probably already have a Google account, so just enter your details and confirm. If case you don’t have a Google account yet, just sign up and start using your Google account.

Additionally you can also setup your Google Wallet account that will have your credit card details in order to make payments using it. However, the Google Wallet is optional, so if you’re not planning to buy something using Google Wallet just skip this step.

Restoring data
In case you didn’t use the Tap & Go feature, once you log into your Google account, you will be able to restore settings from another device.

Google Services
Once you start using the Google Services, you will notice that there are some options that you can use such as: automatic backup or access your location. Read each of the settings and uncheck the ones that you don’t want enabled. You can also change the settings of them later too if you want.

Google Now
The next step will ask you to opt for Google Now. Google Now comes with information that you will find useful such as: upcoming flights, weather, sports scores, etc.

Home screen
You will be then brought to the new Lollipop home screen. If you signed into your Google account during the setup you will start seeing your Google application being automatically updated to the latest version. After all, the updates are completed you can go to the Google Play Store and download the other applications you need.

Now you are done and can enjoy your new Nexus 5 on Android 5.0 Lollipop.
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